eDeposition Services

Online Repository

Username (email address):
Password (case-sensitive):

Easy Login

Easy Login

Your email address is your username and your initial password is supplied with your first content delivery notification.

If you have forgotten your password enter your email address and select “Forgot Password”

Powerful Search Tools

Powerful Search Tools

Search a terabyte of documents, exhibits, transcripts, and video depositions with powerful text search tools.

Advanced search options include fuzzy searches (for spelling and OCR errors), Boolean, synonym, homonym, , numeric range, stemming, proximity, database fields, and variable-term weighting for hit relevancy. You can search by bates numbers, redaction attributes, or your own meta-data criteria.

Your documents are uploaded, downloaded and viewed using secure, 128-bit encrypted web communications and hosted in our secure facility.

Web Delivery of Synchronized Video and Transcript Files

Web Delivery

View, edit, and send synchronized video deposition clips for review all from a web interface. No more exchange of media, just a secure log-in for the entire team. An easy to use interface for the review of video testimony allows search, highlight and playback in a collaborative environment. Access video from any device, desktop, phone or tablet.

Store, view, search and share your transcript and exhibit files easily – online with no worries about having the proper software or licenses. YesLaw Transcripts are easily linked with PDF exhibits and then uploaded to your secure site. From secure view-only delivery to full access delivery, provided by your reporter on a transcript by transcript basis through administered rights.

Upload and share even over-sized documents across town or across the country. And all the transfers are secured with 128-bit encryption. Permissions and download rights are administered by the reporting firm  or delegated to a case administrator.

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